Meet Sandy

Sandy in the Pen Pals Program, all the way on the left.Sandy in the Pen Pals Program, all the way on the left.
Sandy, the Speaking for Spot cover girl, was one of the original participants in the Pen Pals Program, a joint effort between San Quentin State Prison and the Marin Humane Society. Specially selected inmates are paired with humane society dogs with special needs- convalescing from an illness or requiring one-on-one training and socialization to prepare them for successful adoption.

Sandy went to San Quentin in 2005 to recover from heartworm disease and learn some basic commands - she was a rather rambunctious young lady! As Ben, her San Quentin partner said, "When she got here she wouldn't quit barking or whining and jumping on everyone. She was out of control on the leash and was a little rough with play bites." Sandy fully recovered from her heartworm disease while learning how to "Sit," "Stay", "Roll over," "Shake," and "Play dead." She knew she was released from the "Stay" command when Ben said, "Parole!"

It just so happened that Sandy and Ben were both eligible for release from San Quentin at the same time. They lived together for almost a year until a move and job change forced Ben to return Sandy to the Marin Humane Society to find a new home that could provide her with the care and attention she needed. Fortunately for Sandy, a wonderful Marin County family spotted this silly looking girl and decided to give her a try. They adopted Sandy two years ago and it has been a love affair ever since.

Meet Nellie, the dog on the back cover of Speaking for Spot

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