Advocacy Aids

Emergency Contact Information Pertaining to Your Dog
Have ready access to this completed form so as to avoid spending time tracking
down telephone numbers while you and your dog are in the midst of an emergency.
Be sure to provide a copy to anyone who cares for your dog in your absence.
Health Issues If your dog has any
medical problems, it's helpful to maintain a written list so none will be
overlooked or forgotten.
Health History
Form This provides an easy way to keep
track of your dog's vaccinations, test results, prior medical problems and
surgical procedures, and adverse reactions to vaccinations or medication.
Medications A list of all your dog's
current medication will be useful for your veterinarian and anyone else who
provides care for your dog. It will also help you more readily notice any
prescription errors.
Plan: In Case of Emergency Use this
form when your dog is in someone else's care and you will be unreachable to
help make medical decisions should the need arise.
Veterinary Office
Visit This form will help you keep
track of the purpose of your visit as well as important questions to ask your
and Treatment Schedule This template
provides you with an easy way to stay on top of your dog's medication and
treatment schedule. In fact, it is similar to the form used in my veterinary
hospital. See the "sample" form below. It demonstrates how this form
can be used.